Monday, August 3, 2009

Why should i buy expensive basketball shoes? are they any better than generic?

i am doing a persuasive speech on name brand basketball shoes and why you should buy them. i have some information but i would like some opinions on buying the brand ones compared to the generic brand.

Why should i buy expensive basketball shoes? are they any better than generic?

Yes, there's a difference. Generic brands are usually cheap because they were cheap to make. So, brand names, like And 1 preferably, are more expensive, but yet, better quality and value. If the shoe was cheap to make, the makers usually don't support the shoes well enough. In basketball, preformance, comfort, and support are HUGE. Covering the ankles is also HUGE. Low cut basketball shoes are usually made by generic brands, mad cheap, sold cheap. Better quality is better preformance.


If there is do difference in shoes, get cheaper brand. Although value, preformance, and support are important, saving money is too. By saving the money from shoes, you're able to get better quality apparel, like shorts or warm up jerseys.

Basically, it comes down to getting the expensive shoe, unless both brands feel the same.

Warning: If shoes are comfortable, and there's a higher priced shoe just because of better graphics, get the one you're comfotable with. Comfort is significant.
Reply:Buy Jordan's, he just got divorce and can use the money.
Reply:i fight with my kids about this all the time but let me just leave you with this, and all this is factual. every single pair of brand name bb shoes you buy are made in a country where children are paid $1.25 per day their day is 18 hours long in working conditions that are the worlds worst. this is why my wife and kids do not shop with me because i always look to see where things are made.
Reply:Yes there is a difference. Generic brands many times may be made of the same materials as the expensive ones but sometimes the generic are more cheaply put together than the expensive ones.

Heres something you can use in your speech to that is an interesting fact. I'm sure if you have done research you have heard about the 'Starbury's' the '$15 shoes that are as good as Lebrons.' Well Marbury 'at first' claimed he would wear these during the game. The first preseason game he wore the shoes, he went out on the court played a few mintues and then sprained his ankle. I don't think he has worn them since. My experience with the starburys has been horrible as well.. its like you are wearing a boot with no support.
Reply:in some ways basketball shoes are better than others i mean they do not slide as much when running up and down the court and you can get higher when jumping because of shocks and all so yes there is a diffrence and if you want to stop sliding and all go and buy some bball shoes.
Reply:Good brands are sort of better because of the quality, but if your not into basketball that much, you should buy lower brand shoes because they are going to get beat up anyway
Reply:I never saw any difference.
Reply:The better shoes are probably made better and will probably last longer. They will be taking a lot of "abuse".
Reply:Ask some professional basketball players. Even better ask some retired basketball players, or some old coaches.
Reply:name brand basketball shoes have better gripping on the bottom of the shoe so you don't slip or slide on the court and also they have better ankle support which is really important in basketball.
Reply:the color and brand are what people want they want a long lasting goodname shoe

exspensive ones sometimes look better
Reply:Brand name shoes are usually have better quality and new technology in shoes which make you perform better. But most of the time they are overpriced shoes.
Reply:i've always have shoes between 20 and 50$ for basketball and they have worked fine my friends sometimes get more expensive pairs for style but there are cheaper and just as cool pairs

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